How To Reduce Unnecessary Spending

One of the biggest problems we all have is that we buy stuff we don’t really need or want. You end up getting frustrated because you are throwing away good money, annoyed at all the junk that is cluttering up your house and end up in debt. When you are in a relationship this is often the heart of stress and huge arguments. We need to reduce unnecessary spending.

Regardless of the economy, your income spending wisely should be a priority. When your wallet is hardy doesn’t mean you have to use it. How do we end up spending money when we don’t really want something, let alone need it? And how can we stop?

Reduce Unnecessary Spending  


As a kid “peer pressure” was popular. We did things as a kid and a teenager because of peer pressure. Our friend’s encourage you to do stupid things. As an adult you are not immune to peer pressure. You try to fit in with colleagues   who are always flashing around their new electronics and clothes. This is when you end up matching their spending. You know when peer pressure got a hold on you when you never admit to buying something at a thrift store or you are worried what your friends will think if you brought your lunch to work.

Sly Advertising

Do you know why advertising is a huge business, because it is devoted to make you buy stuff that you wouldn’t otherwise have bought. Force yourself to rethink “I need that” you really don’t need it because you were doing just fine before seeing that ad.  Marketers will use words and images to imply that their products will make you look younger, or make you money. It’s important to pay close attention to advertising because their products can’t do anything of the sorts.

Costing More = Better

Studies show that we actually believe that if it cost more it must be better. There is no significant difference between a generic, cheap product and an expensive top of the range one. The most popular products that fall under that category are the beauty products. Studies have shown that we actually believe the exact same product is having more effect, when it costs more. If you don’t buy into the hype you might find that you prefer the cheaper product.

Impulse Buys

Break yourself of impulse buying if you are prone to this. Some good ways to help yourself avoid impulse buys (which tend to be things we don’t need and are often overpriced):

  • Make a list before you always go shopping
  • Stay away from stores to “Just to look” if you know you are going to end up buying something
  • Avoid adding items to cart at check outs, they are there on purpose to encourage you to pick up something you don’t need
  • Avoid clicking on adverts online and don’t “browse” on sites like ebay and Amazon
  • Get rid of  shopping apps that you are hooked on

Follow the steps above and you will reduce unnecessary spending.

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