Affiliate programs have become a standard component of most online businesses. With thousands of companies and dozens of networks offering affiliate programs, it can be hard to know where to begin. Understanding the basics will help you make good decisions as you begin affiliate marketing on your website. The amount of time required to implement an affiliate program is minimal as these programs will most commonly be placed on your existing website(s), and most programs provide ad copy, images and tracking links. Of course, the most compelling reason to begin affiliate marketing is income generation. So regardless of your type of online business you should at least consider some form of affiliate marketing.

Share Your Traffic:

You work hard to create traffic for your website. If you add some affiliate marketing, you’ll make more money. With most affiliate
programs you receive payments for creating sales, not just for displaying an ad, but if you can create more revenue from the same amount of traffic.  It makes good business sense to add affiliate marketing

Key Questions:

Will I work with just one affiliate network or many?

        Will I work directly with the company, or through a network?

Do I have the volume to generate significant revenue on clicks alone?

Is my site better suited to specific product endorsements?

How much control do I want regarding ad content?

Will the ads I choose fit with both my site design, and my company image?

What steps will I take, to ensure that I don’t unintentionally abuse the trust of my visitors?

Affiliate Details for Consideration:

  • Payment  deails: Some  programs pay a finder’s fee – ranging from $0.50 to over $100 per lead or sale.
    Others offer a percentage of any sales generated from the referral from your  site (from 1% up to over 75%).
  • How they pay: Some fringe programs might never pay. It’s best to stick to established  programs, at least at first, to ensure that you get paid. Some require PayPal  accounts or a mailing address for checks.
  • Refunds: When a refund is made on a product, your  account will be deducted the amount of the commission for that order. It’s good  to confirm other details on refunds with the program.
  • Tracking: Does the program provide a method to track  clicks, purchases, leads? Without this, how will you know if they are paying  you correctly? Most sites have a dashboard of your account, showing daily,  weekly and monthly traffic stats.
  • Use  of cookies: A larger program should make use of 14 or 30 day cookies,  which means that if you refer a visitor to a site, and they leave without  making a purchase, but return next week and then buy, you’ll get credit for the  referral and you’ll get your commission.
  • Allowable marketing techniques:  Some programs prohibit specific means of marketing, use of trademarked content
    (logos, images and slogans) or use of their company name in search marketing.

Common Requirements

Not all Affiliate programs are the same, but many will require:

  • functioning, and well-programmed, website
  • Confirmation  that your site doesn’t violate specific terms and conditions
  • valid business registration, Social Security or Social Insurance number.

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